Elements like calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) Present in water makes it "Hard" This water adversely affects the quality of your skin, hair and is also undesirable for bathing, laundry and dishwashing because its poor soap and detergent performance.
ORG Automatic softener is make water soft by exchanging calcium and Magnesium ions with sodium. The system is working is fully Automatic, all operation like service, regeneration, back wash and fast rinse done by unique microprocessor Controlled valve. ORG Automatic softeners provide you freedom from the tedious and time consuming manual Regeneration.
- Fully Automatic, micro processor controlled operation.
- Self operation without Assistance of a technician.
- Easy to install and operate.
- SS 304 Skid for mounting whole system
- Auto On - OFF System with Level Control Sensor for Feed pump
- LED Panel display Water flow, OBR, Pump Status
- Produce clear, soft and non – scale, forming water.
- Corrosion resistant FRP Vessels.
- Maintenance free, durable – Volume based Automatic multiport valve