Product Range
Domestic R.O. Plant
Water Purifier
Commercial RO
Industrial R.O. Plant
Bunglow Softener
R.O. + Cooler
Water Cooler
Mineral Water Projects
Industrial Softener
Swimming Pool Projects
Our Services
Water Tank Cleaning
Sofa & Carpet Cleaning
RO Maintenance (AMC)
Water Purifier
Kent Ultra
Kent Ultra
Kent presents the state-of-the-art 3-stages Ultra-Violet water purification system ‘ Kent Ultra' that protects drinking water from bacteria & viruses efficiently. Resulted from the latest innovations in UV technology ....
Price : Rs. 7,950/-
Org Filtra
Org Filtra
No Requirement of Electricity
Ideal for low TDS Water
Use of Hollow Fiber Ultra Filtration (UF) Membrane to filter out bacteria.
Use of UF membrane to remove cysts. (Cysts are extremely harmful pathogens that cannot be removed by most non-electric storage water purifiers)
Price : Rs. 2,850/-
Org Vaio
Ideal for low TDS water.
Removes bacteria, viruses, molds, algae and other microorganisms by ultraviolet Light at the germicidal wavelength at of 253.7 nanometers.
High power 11 W UV Lamp witsh SS 316 UV chamber.
Price : Rs. 4,990/-